Tag Archives: THM

hhc happy healing how-to. September 23, 2012

Today’s hhc happy healing how to:

What if, whatever you place your focus on, you fuel? The Law of Attraction states this is so.

What if right now you used the power of your imagination to focus your attention on visualizing your life, exactly how you want it?

We suggest you might like to try this exercise to focus your attention.

  1. Please take some slow, deep breaths, and bring your awareness into your body, and into your breath.
  2. Notice any areas that are holding tension, focus your breath into these areas of tension.

Remember that you can help your body to relax, simply by imagining yourself doing so.

Tip: You can use visualizations and your breath to help focus the power of your mind.

Examples: Perhaps see your whole body releasing it’s tension and letting go, or perhaps visualize the tight muscle fibers easing their grip and becoming more liquid, more loose.

Sometimes my patients find visualizing themselves inhaling light (feel free to pick a colour you find pleasing), to areas of tension helps them with focusing the breath exhale with the release of the willful tissues in their body.

Today’s hhc affirmation: I inhale deeply, and as I release my breath, I release all of my fixed false beliefs about myself and the world. As inhale deeply and slowly, I welcome new empowering beliefs about myself and the world.