Tag Archives: self-love

affirmation: April 9, 2014

Today’s affirmation:

I am so grateful for my infinite well of creativity.

happy healing.

affirmation: April 4, 2014

Today’s abundant affirmation:

I now allow myself to be as radiant, and abundant, as I can be.

happy healing.

affirmation: April 1, 2014

Today’s freeing affirmation:

I open my vision to include a future that feels joyful, creative, and abundant.

I am free.

happy healing.

affirmation: March 28, 2014

Today’s Love-full affirmation:

I now allow myself to be the most gracious, Love-full, abundant being I can be.

happy healing

affirmation: March 25, 2014

Today’s awesome affirmation:

I believe in my Self, and the good I do.

happy healing.

Thank you so very much

A great big thank you going out to the Association of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Nurses, for their excellent contributions, participation, and kind feedback, on the presentation I shared last night, at BC Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
You are each so very awesome, and it was an honour to get to share my Love-based message with such passionate, and brilliant practitioners.
Thank you for your keen interest, and enthusiasm.
I am sending an extra special thanks to Kamal Bains, for inviting me to speak, and for being such a gracious host.

affirmation: March 19, 2014

Today’s Love-full affirmation:

 With every fiber of my Being, I choose Love as the guiding force in my Life.

happy healing.

affirmation: March 17, 2014

Today’s affirmation:

I honour my inner-guidance, I am true to my Self.

happy healing.

affirmation: March 15, 2014

Today’s Love-full affirmation:

I easily let go of old, limiting-beliefs, and I open my heart to Love and Acceptance.

I greet change with an open heart.

happy healing.

affirmation: March 14, 2014

Today’s freeing affirmation:

I open my inner-vision, and allow myself to see my Self, through the lens of infinite Love; with Divine Truth, and Divine Compassion.

I am free.

happy healing.